Government of India Central Bureau of Health Intelligence Department of Health & Family Welfare
Central Bureau of Health Intelligence - Government of India

Public Health Statistics 2004


Notified Cases on Cholera and Plague in India - 1956-2004. (CHART)

Reported Notified Cases and Deaths due to Cholera and Diarrhoeal Diseases in States/Uts in India during 2004.

Positive Cases and Deaths of Malaria in India 1961 to 2004.(CHART /TABLE)

State-wise positive Cases of Malaria and Deaths during 1999-2004.

Kala-Azar situation in the States/UTs during 1999-2004.

Reported Cases and Deaths due to Japanese Encephalitis in States/Uts in India during 1998 to 2003

Dengue Cases and Deaths during 1998-2004.

Reported Cases and Deaths due to Kayasanur Forest Disease from Karnataka State during 1996-2004.

National Leprosy Eradication Programme-Progress Report for Case Detection, Treatment & Discharge - 2002-2003 & 2003-2004 and State wise Information on Female and Child Patients 1st April, 2003 to 31st March, 2004

National Tuberculosis Control Programme - Facilities available for treatment of T.B. Patients as on September,2004.

Surveillance for STD Cases in India – Diseases.

Surveillance for STD Cases in India - Laboratory Investigations - VDRl/RPR Reactivity in STD Clinics,

Population protected under National Filaria Control Programme and the set up as on 31.12.2002, 31.12.2003 and 28.12.2004

State-wise estimated population exposed to the risk of Filariasis and estimated number of Microfilaria carriers and Filaria cases as on 31.12.2002, 31.12.2003 and 27.12.2004.

National Programme for Control of Blindness - Targets and Achievement of Cataract Surgery performed during Tenth Plan.

National Goitre Control Programme- Prevalence rate of Goitre according to survey conducted in areas during 1981-2004

No. of Outdoor ( Old and New ) Cancer patients treated in Specialised Cancer Hospitals during  2001.

No. of Indoor ( Old and New ) Cancer Patients Admitted, Discharged alive and died in Specialised Cancer Hospitals during  2001

No. of Indoor ( New ) Cancer patients Admitted Specialised Cancer Hospitals during  2001 by Disease Categories.


 No. of Indoor ( Old and New ) Cancer Patients Discharged alive Specialised Cancer Hospitals during  2001by Disease Categories.


No. of Indoor ( Old and New ) Cancer Patients Died in Specialised Cancer Hospitals during  2001by Disease Categories.


List of Specialised Cancer Hospital/ Institutions.


No. of Outdoor ( Old and New ) Patients of Mental disorder treated in Specialised Mental Hospitals during 2001


No. of Outdoor (New) Patients of Mental disorder treated in Specialised Mental Hospitals during 2001by Disease Categories


No. of Outdoor (New) Patients of Mental disorder treated in Child Guidance Clinics in Specialised Mental Hospitals during 2001


No. of Indoor (New) Patients of Mental disorder admitted in Specialised Mental Hospitals during 2001 by Disease Categories.


No. of Indoor Patients (Old and New ) of Mental disorder Discharged alive in Specialised Mental Hospitals during 2001 by Disease Categories.



No. of Indoor Patients (Old and New ) of Mental disorder Died in Specialised Mental Hospitals during 2001 by Disease Categories.





Reported Cases and Deaths due to Principal Communicable Diseases in India  during  2004. (CHART1/CHART2/TABLE)


National AIDS Control Programme - AIDS Cases in India ( Reported to NACO ) AS on 30th November, 2004.

Performance of RNTCP case Detection (2004, third quarter), Smear Conversion (2004, second quarter), and Treatment Outcomes (2003, third quarter)

Targets for Tuberculosis case Detection under 20 Points Programme and Achievements 1992-93 to 2004-2005.

Results of Treatment of new sputum cases under revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme during 1993 (4th Quarter) to 2003 (4th QTR.)

New and relapse cases registered and put on treatment under revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme during 2000 (4th Quarter) to 2004 (3rd Quarter)

Statewise distribution of Radiotherpy Installations ( As on 1st December, 2004 ).

Number of Licensed Blood Banks in States/ UTs

Number of Incident Cancer cases, Population of Cancer Registries and Average Annual Crude Incidence Rate in Population Based Cancer Registries.

Number of Incident Cancer Cases 1997-1998- Urban Registries.

Number of Incident Cancer Cases 1997-1998- Rural Registries.

Average Annual Crude Incidence Rate ( 1997-1998 ) – Cancer Group wise - Urban Registries

Average Annual Crude Incidence Rate ( 1997-1998 ) – Cancer Group wise - Rural Registries.

Estimated Average Annual Crude Incidence Rate ( 1997-1998 ) – Cancer Group wise – All India.

Number of Reported Cases and Deaths due to Snake Bite – 2003.

Performance of RNTCP cases detection ( 2004, First Quarter ), Smear Conversion ( 2003, Fourth Quarter ) and Treatment outcomes ( 2003, First Quarter ).

e-National health Profile Trainings Data Entry Portal NHRR (National Health Resource Repository) Health Sector Policy Reform Options Database (HS-PROD) WHO Collaboration Centre